Employment Services for Job Seekers and Employers
LEAP delivers employment programs to meet the needs of our clients in the Kenora, Ontario area. These programs are supported by Serco Canada and the EmployNext program.
The following programs are currently being delivered by LEAP:

Mission Statement:
LEAP’s mission is to address factors that contribute to unemployment among youth and adults in the Kenora and surrounding area. LEAP provides employment counselling, job placement, assistance with access to community services, and follow up services to persons who are unemployed and out of school or training in the Kenora and surrounding area.
Who We Are:
Since 1984, LEAP has provided employment support to the members of our community to ensure individuals accessing our services are able to reach their employment goals.
Whether individuals need help to identify a career path, learn how to search for a job, complete an effective resume and/or cover letter, or to practice interview skills, LEAP is the go-to community Employment Centre.
Who We Serve:
As the largest provider of community employment services in Kenora, we provide services to individuals seeking employment and local employers.
Job seekers can enroll for Employment Services or simply come in and use our Resource and Information Area and get help with resumes, cover letters, applications, job searching, and more!
- Anyone can come into the Resource and Information area to use our computers, and get help with job searching, applications, resumes, cover letters, etc.
- To be eligible for Employment Services (one-on-one, personalized counselling), you must be unemployed (or working fewer than 20 hours per week), be 18 years of age or older, an Ontario resident, and out of school and/or training.
Employers can use LEAP’s services to post job ads on our job board (available in the office and online) and be eligible for incentivized placement opportunities with current Employment Service clients.
Both the employer and job seeker can find everything they need at LEAP!